The Things Users Would Appreciate In Mobile Apps — Smashing Magazine

What can we do to make a mobile app better? What subsidiary features are worth providing for our users? I have some ideas. You might, too. So, let’s compare our notes. Without any prescriptions attached, here are seven features I believe can palpably improve a user’s experience with a mobile app. Remember the “mobile first”

The Principles Of Visual Communication — Smashing Magazine

We’re taught to communicate with words. We write essays, prepare speeches, and take written notes. But words aren’t always the best option for conveying information and ideas. Sometimes the best way to tell stories is through thoughtfully crafted visuals, not long paragraphs of text. Visual storytelling is the process of conveying ideas using things you

Beyond CSS Media Queries — Smashing Magazine

Many of the latest CSS features released in the past several years are designed to write “smarter” styles that apply when they meet certain conditions, many of which are directly related to responsive design. What does this mean for media queries? Juan Diego Rodriguez explains why media queries still occupy a vital role in responsive

Creating An Effective Multistep Form For Better User Experience — Smashing Magazine

Forms are already notoriously tough to customize and style — to the extent that we’re already starting to see new ideas for more flexible control. But what we don’t often discuss is designing good-form experiences beyond validation. That’s what Jima Victor discusses in this article, focusing specifically on creating multi-step forms that involve navigation between

The Hype Around Signals — Smashing Magazine

From KnockoutJS to modern UI libraries like SolidJS, Vue.js, and Svelte, signals revolutionized how we think about reactivity in UIs. Here’s a deep dive into their history and impact by Atila Fassina. The groundwork for what we call today “signals” dates as early as the 1970s. Based on this work, they became popular with different

The Big Difference Between Digital Product And Web Design — Smashing Magazine

Designing for digital products requires a different mindset than traditional websites. It’s all about continuous adaptation, refining, and iterating as user behavior and needs evolve. Paul Boag reflects on the key differences, including how the frequency of usage impacts your design approach and what you can do about it. In the early days of the

What Saul Bass Can Teach Us About Web Design — Smashing Magazine

Saul Bass is a graphic design legend. Responsible for title sequences in films like North by Northwest and Anatomy of a Murder, as well as a number of iconic posters and brand logos over the years. His work, in the words of Martin Scorsese, “distilled the poetry of the modern, industrialized world.” Film credits, brand logos, posters… Saul

Supercharging Productivity Across The Industry — Smashing Magazine

Discover how AI is reshaping web design, boosting productivity in design, coding, UX, and copywriting while amplifying human creativity in a new article by Paul Boag. As I sit down to write this article, I can’t help but marvel at the incredible changes sweeping through our industry. For the first time in my career, I

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