You Don’t Need A UI Framework — Smashing Magazine

Developers often reach for UI frameworks like Bootstrap or Material UI, hoping that they’ll save a bunch of time and quickly build a professional-looking app. Unfortunately, things rarely work out this way. Let’s talk about it. Every now and then, someone will ask for my recommendations on UI frameworks. By “UI framework”, I mean any […]

A Quick Practical Guide — Smashing Magazine

Microsoft restarted conversations about system UI fonts with its original Windows Phone design language, which relied heavily on typography in general, and on a font named Segoe in particular. No wonder that the idea of using those fonts is spreading through the web world as well. Whether you want your website to feel more like an app,

Global Web Design Showcases — Smashing Magazine

A selection of some of the best Smashing Magazine articles related to design trends from artists from different countries. Here is hand-picked selection of the most popular Smashing Magazine’s articles featuring the design trends and artists from the different countries of the world. The paradigm shift—wrought by the personal computer, Postscript and desktop publishing—should have

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