Working With Headless Systems — Smashing Magazine

When deploying websites, there’s rarely a one-size-fits-all solution. Some websites benefit from server-rendered pages, some prefer statically generating content upfront. In this article, Stefan explains how a CMS such as Storyblok can help you make your site more resilient without losing the flexibility to deliver time-relevant content. In the last couple of years, our industry […]

Designing With Reduced Motion For Motion Sensitivities — Smashing Magazine

Thanks to the wide support of the prefers-reduced-motion-media feature, we now have more advanced ways to design motion that can be creative and innovative while also being safer for those with motion sensitivities. This article is all about the how and why of making that happen. CSS has recently added features that allow us to

Graphic Design — Smashing Magazine

April 11, 2019 — Last year, Rachel Andrew wrote “Take A New Look At CSS Shapes” where she reintroduced readers to the basics of using CSS Shapes. In this new tutorial, Andy Clarke expands on the topic of “Art Direction for the Web” with CSS Shapes to create exciting and inspired new design ideas. Andy

Smart Responsive Design Patterns, Or When Off-Canvas Isn’t Good Enough — Smashing Magazine

When we design responsive websites, we tend to see responsive design merely as a collection of slightly differently sized rectangles, with a slightly different layout, sometimes with slightly different content poured into them. In this article, Vitaly Friedman features some of the slightly more obscure design patterns, such as responsive car-builder interfaces, mega dropdown navigation,

The Role Of Illustration Style In Visual Storytelling — Smashing Magazine

How do we determine the most suitable illustration style? How should illustrations complement and reflect your corporate identity? What will resonate most with your target audience? And regarding the content, what type of illustration would best enhance it, and how would it work for the age range it is primarily for? Thomas Bohm shares insightful

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