Everything You Want To Know About Creating Voice User Interfaces — Smashing Magazine

Creating voice user interfaces requires a lot of design expertise in various areas such as conversation design, interaction design, visual and motion design. This article covers the most critical aspects of designing for voice user interfaces — designing the conversation and designing visual interfaces. Voice is a powerful tool that we can use to communicate […]

Responsive Typography With Sass Maps — Smashing Magazine

There are various ways to approach responsive typography and consistent vertical rhythm, and they are not limited to my suggestion. However, Jonathan Suh finds that this works for him more times than not. Managing consistent, typographic rhythm isn’t easy, but when the type is responsive, things get even more difficult. Fortunately, Sass maps make responsive

A Showcase Of Lovely Little Websites — Smashing Magazine

Instead of spending your coffee break scrolling through your social feeds, how about a lovely little website instead? We came across some fantastic ones that are just too good not to be shared. They are perfect for a short coffee break or whenever you’re up for a little bit of diversion. But be warned, your break might

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