Will It Stick Around? — Smashing Magazine

This fresh new design trend has been picking up steam with the rising popularity of colorful inflated 3D graphics in web illustrations and with the latest Virtual Reality projects like “Horizon Worlds”. Let’s see if there is room for Claymorphism on the UI, and how we can create this effect with CSS. Design trends come […]

Space Yourself — Smashing Magazine

Did you ever take a walk through the entire Unicode table? It’s the history of our civilization expressed in typography. It might be organized in an arbitrary fashion and not explained well, but it’s all here: languages, cultures, concepts. Spaces are here, too. There’s the one with an agent good enough to have gotten it

5 Things To Stop Doing In Mobile App Design — Smashing Magazine

Have you ever looked at the design techniques and elements you use to build mobile apps and evaluated whether or not they’re still useful or relevant? If you haven’t done this in a while (or ever), stop what you’re doing and read this. Today, Suzanne Scacca is going to look at the 5 things mobile

Content Strategy & Storytelling — Smashing Magazine

A selection of some of the best Smashing Magazine articles related to content strategy and storytelling. Here you will find posts featuring some of the best articles related to content strategy and storytelling which have been published on Smashing Magazine over all the years. Quick Overview Stories have defined our world. They have been with

Designing For Attention — Smashing Magazine

We must effectively design to gain and hold users’ attention in order to have them use our digital products. In this article, Victor Yocco covers specific tactics with supporting research that are bound to help you design for attention. He also discusses the need to understand why we want to gain users’ attention as well

WordPress Responsive Images With Art Direction — Smashing Magazine

With a few additions, WordPress websites can accommodate a responsive image use case known as art direction. Art direction gives us the ability to design with images whose crop or composition changes at certain breakpoints. In this article, Laurie Laforest will show you how to set up a WordPress theme to support art direction in a

You Don’t Need A UI Framework — Smashing Magazine

Developers often reach for UI frameworks like Bootstrap or Material UI, hoping that they’ll save a bunch of time and quickly build a professional-looking app. Unfortunately, things rarely work out this way. Let’s talk about it. Every now and then, someone will ask for my recommendations on UI frameworks. By “UI framework”, I mean any

A Quick Practical Guide — Smashing Magazine

Microsoft restarted conversations about system UI fonts with its original Windows Phone design language, which relied heavily on typography in general, and on a font named Segoe in particular. No wonder that the idea of using those fonts is spreading through the web world as well. Whether you want your website to feel more like an app,

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