Simplify Your Color Palette With CSS Color-Mix() — Smashing Magazine

Defining a color palette and theme can be a lot of work, especially when considering contextual colors for elements’ various states. While CSS color-mix() only blends two colors together, this little function may be the key to maximizing your colors without maximum effort. There’s a reason for all the new, experimental color features CSS is […]

Intuitive Design? No Such Thing! — Smashing Magazine

“Intuitive design” is one of those overused phrases that we as designers hear all too often from stakeholders and their requirements. In this article, Carrie Webster explores what intuitive design actually means, why it doesn’t make sense, how we can better approach design solutions, and what the future of interfaces might look like. It is

6 Easy Steps To Better Icon Design — Smashing Magazine

In this article, Scott Lewis will share the fundamentals of how to create premium quality icons. These fundamentals are technical skills; anyone can learn and master them with practice. Remember that to create better icons, start from the general and work toward the specific. Every icon set submitted to Iconfinder is reviewed and evaluated for

A Case Study On Progressive Enhancement — Smashing Magazine

Through this case study on redesigning the Building Social website, Marko Dugonijć will share some simple yet often overlooked front-end techniques that defer the use of JavaScript as much as possible, while providing some neat JavaScript enhancements, too. By being creative and using the basic tools at your disposal, you can improve performance and accessibility,

Have Your Cake And Eat It Too — Smashing Magazine

Although Angular Material is one of the most popular component libraries which also offers a table, it lacks some crucial data handling features. In this article, Zara Cooper will examine some of the features of the Kendo UI for Angular Data Grid in comparison to those offered by the Angular Material Table. Designing and building

Yrsa And Rasa Available For Download — Smashing Magazine

Today we are pleased to feature the new and free font families Yrsa and Rasa by David Březina and Anna Giedryś and their story behind the design process. David has written two articles about the project’s development in which they discussed what they meant by remixing and how they approached harmonization of the two different scripts, Latin and

How To Create A Compelling Landing Page — Smashing Magazine

A landing page is a standalone webpage created to support a specific marketing campaign or targeting a particular search term. They are where users “land” when they click a link in search results, email or an ad. In this article, Paul Boag will show you how to create a compelling landing page, which involves a

6 Steps For Building Successful Websites — Smashing Magazine

In order to combine all these elements of Web design together and achieve successful results you must have a clear direction, a direction that will guide each and every aspect of your design towards common goals. You must think strategically. Web design isn’t art. It involves a whole collection of different skills — from copywriting

Web Design Showcases From Various Industries — Smashing Magazine

A selection of some of the best Smashing Magazine articles related to Web Design Showcases. This overview features a hand-picked and organized selection of the most useful and popular Smashing Magazine’s articles related to Web Design Showcases and published here over all the years. Quick Overview When users land on your website, they typically read

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