What Does This Mean For Mobile Designers? — Smashing Magazine

Has Generation Z been part of your discussions with web design clients? If not, then it’s time you factored it in. This next generation wasn’t caught between worlds the way many millennials were, which means they have a whole different set of expectations when it comes to the technology they interact with on a daily […]

Graphic Design — Smashing Magazine

August 17, 2016 — In 2011, the traditional comp-to-HTML workflow was only beginning to be critiqued, and since then, we’ve seen a myriad of alternatives. Style Tiles, Style Prototypes, Visual Inventories, Element Collages, style guides, and even designing in the browser have all been suitable approaches to multi-device design. Also, applications like Webflow and Macaw have made breakpoint visualization digestible

Dirty Tricks From The Dark Corners Of Front-End (Slides, PDF) — Smashing Magazine

Finding little techniques and tricks to help you get to results faster can immensely improve your productivity, so you don’t have to waste time on solutions that will never see the light of day. Vitaly Friedman loves finding those little useful front-end goodies that make our lives easier. Since technologies emerge and evolve permanently, keeping track on

Expert Insights And Key Trends — Smashing Magazine

Based on responses from over 1,200 product professionals, Maze’s Future of User Research Report uncovers how product teams conduct research to inform decision-making and build successful products. Learn about the top three trends defining the user research industry in 2024 and beyond. How do product teams conduct user research today? How do they leverage user

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