Bringing Personality Back To The Web — Smashing Magazine

We’re happy to announce the brand new Smashing Book. In this excerpt from the book, Vitaly provides a strategic guide for bringing back personality to the web, in regular real-life projects. You can also get the book right away → Generic web layouts have become somewhat of a misnomer in conversations circling around web design […]

Offboarding In The Online World — Smashing Magazine

Offboarding is something users come into contact with every time they complete an online transaction. It is usually described as the interaction between a company and their customer at the end of the customer journey. Whether a user is permanently ending their relationship with a company, or they are just finishing a single transaction, offboarding

Excellent Editorial — Smashing Magazine

For better or worse, the web is absolutely awash with content. A lot of it is great, a lot of it is not. A lot of the talk around it has the cold, calculating cadence you’d sooner expect from industrialists talking about assembly lines.  They say content is king, and they’re right. The web has

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