Graphic Design — Smashing Magazine

February 12, 2021 — Saul Bass is a graphic design legend. Responsible for title sequences in films like North by Northwest and Anatomy of a Murder, as well as a number of iconic posters and brand logos over the years. His work, in the words of Martin Scorsese, “distilled the poetry of the modern, industrialized world.” Film credits, […]

How To Prepare Your Logo For Responsive Design Systems — Smashing Magazine

The very best logos are simple and flexible, with varying formats and layout options so that when a site is optimized for a device, the brand is also optimized to the space allocated for it. In this article, Jon Tarr will see why simple, flexible and versatile logo design has become so important. Industry-leading, born-in-the-cloud

Applying Principles Of Communication To UX Research — Smashing Magazine

Communication theory is not just an academic exercise. UX practitioners benefit from an understanding of what we know about effective communication. Victor Yocco reviews the components of the Transactional Model of communication, explaining how we might apply this framework to preparing, conducting, and analysing our UX research. You will understand how many UX research best

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