Designing The Perfect Date And Time Picker — Smashing Magazine

Well, not every date picker fits every interface, just like not every interface actually needs a date picker. But when a date picker is required, quite often it’s just a bit too tedious and annoying to specify that one date, and too often it produces irrelevant results or even a zero-results page, although just a few minor refinements would make it much easier to use.

Over the last few years, I’ve spent a lot of time working with various companies trying out various approaches and studying them in usability tests. This series of articles is a summary of observations and experiments made throughout that time. Over the course of months, we’ll be exploring everything from carousels to car configurators. Having looked into the design of accordions two weeks ago, let’s look into the design of date and time pickers today — in all the various facets and flavors of their visual appearance and interaction design.

First things first, though: Date pickers are often considered to be a foolproof component for date selection — predictable, consistent, generic — and so more often than not, we use them just because they seem to be a universally accepted pattern for date input. But just like any other form element, sometimes they should be the method of last resort, aiding the user’s input if it can’t be inferred in a better way. Now, there are situations where date pickers are extremely helpful, and there are situations where they just slow users down. Our job, then, is to carefully study our own scenarios and figure out an optimal way to frame the question of time and date to help users provide the input quickly and easily.

The best input is the one that matches the user’s intent, without having to ask the user to be precise, of course. But what if we set a budget on the date input as at most two taps? Three taps for a date range? Five taps if we bring a time slot into the game as well? You might be wondering if it’s really a big deal; after all, it’s just a tiny little date picker! If date selection is front and center in your interface, you should expect users to use it a lot, and going to extremes to optimize date input isn’t really a matter of optimization, but is rather a core element of your website’s experience.

In fact, there are plenty of contexts in which date pickers matter: whether it’s for a medical appointment, a spa treatment, a boat rental, a TV guide, online banking, a flight ticket or a summer cottage rental — pretty much anything that requires date input is likely to have some sort of a date and time picker. And more often than not, all such websites tend to use the same (jQuery) implementation, plugged into the UI a while back and happily forgotten ever since. However, it might not be the best option for your particular case.

Date-Picker Design Considerations

If we look closely at the nature of a date picker, there are a good number of design questions to be resolved — and many of them aren’t straightforward at all:

  • Are we designing a date picker, a date-range picker or a time picker?
  • Should the user be able to type in a date in the input field or only select predefined values using a date picker?
  • Should the date-picker overlay appear when the user clicks on the input or when they click on the calendar icon (or both)?
  • Should the date picker contain default prepopulated values? If yes, what values should be default?
  • Should we include some sort of “previous, current, next” navigation? If so, how do we design it for days, months and years?
  • Should we enhance the experience by displaying availability, price, etc.?
  • For date-range pickers on narrow screens, should the overlay automatically disappear once two dates are selected, or only when the user clicks on the “Continue” button to proceed?
  • Should the week run from Monday to Sunday or from Sunday to Saturday?
  • How do we avoid displaying unavailable dates or zero-results dead ends?
  • Is a date picker the right pattern to use for date selection in the first place?

Indeed, we have many decisions to consider, and most of them aren’t that straightforward at all. But let’s tackle one issue at a time. The main question we should ask ourselves first is what problem and in which context exactly are we solving and how can a date picker help there or, more specifically, what kind of a date picker would help users move forward in completing their task seamlessly.

What Kind Of Input Do We Need?

Before choosing an interface pattern to apply to your problem, it’s important to understand what kind of date input you actually need. Is it enough to know just one day, or do you need a date range? The latter doesn’t mean that you have to use two date-pickers, though, but it will affect the interaction and the design of the component.

You might also want to extend the date picker with a time input, but it doesn’t mean that the experience has to happen in steps — date picker first, time picker second. There are also ways to integrate both the day and time selection in one single component. We’ll explore some of them later in the article.

You might not need a date picker after all. A vertical navigation between days might be enough as well. A TV guide on HD-Plus. (Large preview)

Beyond that, it’s a good idea to look into the expected range of values that your visitors will most likely type in. Perhaps you’ll need to extend the date input with a set of predefined options, or limit the range of accepted values, or complement it with numerical input so that customers can type in the values manually. In fact, the latter option might be useful more often than not — the problem is that it’s quite difficult to get right.

Numerical Input For Longer Date Ranges

One thing is certain: If you’ve been considering a date picker, chances are high that, you know, you need some sort of a date input (duh!). You could, of course, use three separate numerical inputs, separated by a separator symbol — perhaps a menu into a calendar overlay anyway.

Does it mean that using a native control is always a bad idea? Not at all. If the date input in your case is faster with native controls, and you don’t need a calendar view, then using a native date picker is absolutely reasonable. In fact, while numerical input might have formatting issues due to differences in day formats, the user is more likely to provide proper data quickly this way because native controls cater to the user’s mobile device. However, whenever you need slightly more than just an exact and “stable” date, such as a birthday, then native date pickers seem to hit their limitations quite quickly.

Bringing Time Slots Into The Game

Things get slightly more complicated when, in addition to a date picker, you also need to provide a time-slot picker. The easiest way to achieve time selection would be by providing an extra input field as a step after the date has been selected. This brings us back to square one again: That input field could support manual input, or contain a mini-stepper, or prompt a custom drop-down, or appear as a slider or be a native