Suzanne Scacca

Is This Really Still A Thing (And Why)? — Smashing Magazine

Though we have a good understanding of the types of button design rules that universally work, there will be times when you’re surprised by a rogue element that performs well. Like ghost buttons. They aren’t much of a mystery, despite their eerie-sounding name. They’re call-to-action (CTA) buttons for your website, like any other. The key […]

What Does This Mean For Mobile Designers? — Smashing Magazine

Has Generation Z been part of your discussions with web design clients? If not, then it’s time you factored it in. This next generation wasn’t caught between worlds the way many millennials were, which means they have a whole different set of expectations when it comes to the technology they interact with on a daily

5 Things To Stop Doing In Mobile App Design — Smashing Magazine

Have you ever looked at the design techniques and elements you use to build mobile apps and evaluated whether or not they’re still useful or relevant? If you haven’t done this in a while (or ever), stop what you’re doing and read this. Today, Suzanne Scacca is going to look at the 5 things mobile

Finding Inspiration In Digital Influencers — Smashing Magazine

Does the word “influencer” make you cringe? If you’re paying attention to the right ones (i.e. digital influencers), you’ll find that their websites actually have some very valuable lessons for web designers. In this article, Suzanne Scacca will show you some of the tricks they use to establish authority through design. This post is about

Is Redesigning Your Mobile App A Bad Idea? — Smashing Magazine

The Scrabble GO, Instacart and YouTube mobile apps have recently undergone disruptive redesigns. Were they worth it in the end? Judging by their users’ reactions, the answer to that is “No”. But that doesn’t mean that redesigns or design tweaks are a bad idea after launch. In this article, Suzanne Scacca will take a look

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