Vitaly Friedman

Designing The Perfect Accordion — Smashing Magazine

Design patterns can be extremely helpful, mostly because they save time and get us better results, faster. We don’t need to apply them exactly as they are to every problem we encounter, but we can build on top of them, using our experience to inform our decisions because we know they’ve worked in other projects fairly

Designing The Perfect Date And Time Picker — Smashing Magazine

Vitaly Friedman has spent a lot of time working with various companies trying out various approaches and studying them in usability tests. This series of articles is a summary of observations and experiments made throughout that time. He’ll be exploring everything from carousels to car configurators. Let’s look into the design of date and time pickers today.

Designing The Perfect Slider UX — Smashing Magazine

In this article, Vitaly Friedman will look into the fine details of designing better slider controls for selecting a value or a range of values. A slider is helpful because it allows users to explore a wide range of options quickly. The main point of interaction with the slider is to display options quickly. This

Designing The Perfect Feature Comparison Table — Smashing Magazine

When designed properly, Feature comparison can aid in decision-making way beyond placing product specifications side by side. They can also add meaning to an otherwise too technical product specification sheet, explaining why a certain feature is relevant to the customer or how a certain product is better than the others. In this article Vitaly Friedman will look into all

Bringing Personality Back To The Web — Smashing Magazine

We’re happy to announce the brand new Smashing Book. In this excerpt from the book, Vitaly provides a strategic guide for bringing back personality to the web, in regular real-life projects. You can also get the book right away → Generic web layouts have become somewhat of a misnomer in conversations circling around web design

Designing A Perfect Configurator UX — Smashing Magazine

How would you design a responsive car configurator? How would you deal with accessibility, navigation, real-time previews, interaction and performance? Let’s figure it out. In this article, Vitaly Friedman dives deep into the dos and don’ts of designing a perfect configurator. As designers, we might try to make our configurators advanced and sophisticated, but too

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