Vitaly Friedman

Smart Responsive Design Patterns, Or When Off-Canvas Isn’t Good Enough — Smashing Magazine

When we design responsive websites, we tend to see responsive design merely as a collection of slightly differently sized rectangles, with a slightly different layout, sometimes with slightly different content poured into them. In this article, Vitaly Friedman features some of the slightly more obscure design patterns, such as responsive car-builder interfaces, mega dropdown navigation, […]

Content Strategy & Storytelling — Smashing Magazine

A selection of some of the best Smashing Magazine articles related to content strategy and storytelling. Here you will find posts featuring some of the best articles related to content strategy and storytelling which have been published on Smashing Magazine over all the years. Quick Overview Stories have defined our world. They have been with

Global Web Design Showcases — Smashing Magazine

A selection of some of the best Smashing Magazine articles related to design trends from artists from different countries. Here is hand-picked selection of the most popular Smashing Magazine’s articles featuring the design trends and artists from the different countries of the world. The paradigm shift—wrought by the personal computer, Postscript and desktop publishing—should have

What’s The Perfect Design Process? — Smashing Magazine

The design process is messy. You might be following a structured approach, but too often, it takes a life of its own. And before you know it, you are designing in chaos, with last-minute changes and missed deadlines. So, what’s the “perfect” design process? Design process is messy. You might be following a structured approach,

Professional Workflow Tips And Guidelines For Web Designers — Smashing Magazine

A selection of some of the best Smashing Magazine articles related the designer’s professional workflow and organization and published here over all the years. This overview features a hand-picked and organized selection of the most useful and popular Smashing Magazine’s articles related to the designer’s professional workflow and organization and published here over all the

Web Design Showcases From Various Industries — Smashing Magazine

A selection of some of the best Smashing Magazine articles related to Web Design Showcases. This overview features a hand-picked and organized selection of the most useful and popular Smashing Magazine’s articles related to Web Design Showcases and published here over all the years. Quick Overview When users land on your website, they typically read

Don’t Pay To Speak At Commercial Events — Smashing Magazine

The state of commercial web conferences is utterly broken. Setting up a conference isn’t an easy undertaking. It takes time and attention to all the little details that make up a truly memorable experience. It’s not something one can take lightly, and it’s often a major personal and financial commitment. But what lurks behind the scenes

Showcases And Solutions — Smashing Magazine

A selection of some of the best Smashing Magazine articles related to Web form design and published here over all the years. This overview features a hand-picked and organized selection of the most useful and popular Smashing Magazine’s articles related to Web form design and published here over all the years. Quick Overview Useful Ideas

Most Popular Free WordPress Themes — Smashing Magazine

A selection of some of the best Smashing Magazine articles related to free WordPress themes that have been published on Smashing Magazine in the last years. This overview features the most popular (and still relevant) collections of free WordPress themes that have been published on Smashing Magazine in the last years. Quick Overview Hey UXer,

Sell The Output, Not The Workflow — Smashing Magazine

In his article on Selling Design Systems, Dan Mall suggests to illustrate how fractured an organization is by printing out its different presences online and putting them on a large board as an example of all the wasted money and effort that goes into making sites from scratch, one-by-one, needlessly reinventing the wheel every time. What Vitaly Friedman

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