Vitaly Friedman

Good Design Is All About The Right Timing — Smashing Magazine

Good interface design shows the right things at the right moment. We need to understand when to display a call to action, and how to build a relationship with the user before promting them to act. Imagine a shiny newsletter pop-up. A pop-up makes its splendid appearance on an eCommerce site just as you are […]

Guidelines and Best Practices — Smashing Magazine

Infinite scroll can be designed well. Best practices and guidelines to improve the UX of infinite scroll with bookmarks, footer reveal and pagination. We’ve all been there. You might have a long-winded list of search results, products, orders or data entries. Of course, you have all kinds of filters and sorting and search already in

Common Concerns And Privacy In Web Forms — Smashing Magazine

Web interfaces have become quite a character, haven’t they? Self-indulgent, impolite, disrespectful and obsessed with user’s data. In this series of articles, we’re looking into privacy UX patterns to make our interfaces better without leaving conversion considerations behind. In this four-part series, Vitaly Friedman will explore some of the respectful ways to approach privacy and

100 Vibrant Brand Icons [Freebie] — Smashing Magazine

Today, Vitaly Friedman will share a useful set, the Simple Icons by Dan Leech. Dan’s set contains 100 PNG icons for popular websites, apps and organisations, all in eleven sizes. Another weekend, and yet another freebie. Today, we are happy to feature a useful icon set, the Simple Icons by Dan Leech. Dan’s set contains

Usability Guidelines For Better Carousels UX — Smashing Magazine

Carousels don’t have a good reputation, and rightfully so. They have plenty of accessibility issues, they often exhibit low click-through rates, can be very disruptive when auto-advancing and people frequently scroll past through them. Add to it small progress dots with tiny tap areas, barely visible labels and a bit of parallax, and you have

Better Cookie Consent Experiences — Smashing Magazine

Now cookie prompts aren’t particularly useful, but they certainly helped raise awareness about privacy and data collection on the web. In fact, users now know that websites track their data, which they weren’t aware of a few years ago. But they often see it as a necessary evil in exchange for accessing the content “for

Better Notifications And Permission Requests — Smashing Magazine

With so many applications and services and people and machines and chatbots fighting for our attention, staying focused is a luxury that needs to be savored and protected, and so no wonder notifications don’t enjoy a decent reputation these days. More than that, often they feel off the point and manipulative, too. In this series of

Designing A Perfect Language Selector UX — Smashing Magazine

How difficult can it be to design a bulletproof language selector? It’s not as straightforward as one might think. We need to avoid redirects, decouple our language and country presets, allow for overrides, and use non-modal windows. Let’s dive in! Imagine that you’ve just arrived in Tokyo. Full of impatience and excitement, you are just

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