Vitaly Friedman

Privacy-Aware Design Framework — Smashing Magazine

Many mobile applications require access to location, photos, and even the camera during installation, which isn’t something most customers would be happy to consent to. In this series of articles, Vitaly Friedman talks about privacy-related design patterns. You’ll be exploring some of the respectful ways to approach privacy and data collection, and how to deal […]

Designing Effective Pricing Plans UX — Smashing Magazine

Pricing pages can be complex and confusing. Let’s explore some design patterns, guidelines, real-life examples and best practices on how to design a better pricing page. Imagine that you need to design a pricing page. The page is intended for a product that has four different pricing plans. All plans are designed for different audiences,

2-Page Login Pattern, And How To Fix It — Smashing Magazine

The 2-page login pattern is becoming pervasive. Here are the reasons behind this design choice and alternative solutions to create a more efficient and user-friendly authentication experience. Why do we see login forms split into multiple screens everywhere? Instead of typing email and password, we have to type email, move to the next page, and

Rethinking Authentication UX — Smashing Magazine

Nobody wakes up in the morning hoping to finally identify crosswalks and fire hydrants that day. Yet every day, we prompt users through hoops and loops to sign up and log in. Let’s fix that. Authentication is a tricky subject. There are so many terms floating around us, from 2FA to MFA to OTP —

T-Shaped vs. V-Shaped Designers — Smashing Magazine

Job openings typically cast a very restrictive frame for candidates, with long lists of expectations and requirements. But what if this narrow focus can overlook the value of “V”-shaped designers who excel by crossing boundaries, connecting dots, and innovating beyond rigid boxes? Many job openings in UX assume very specific roles with very specific skills.

A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components — Smashing Magazine

In a new short series of posts, we highlight some of the useful tools and techniques for developers and designers. Recently we’ve covered CSS Auditing Tools and CSS Generators, and this time we look into reliable accessible components: from tabs and tables to toggles and tooltips. We sincerely hope that these tools and techniques will

Designing A Better Back Button UX — Smashing Magazine

With the “Back” button, users often get confused and frustrated. How to design a better back button UX and where to put those “Back” buttons in our interfaces. There aren’t many things in usability testing that keep showing up over and over again. One of them is the anxiety people experience when they have to

A Complete Guide To HTML Email — Smashing Magazine

In a new short series of posts, we highlight some of the useful tools and techniques for developers and designers. Recently we’ve covered CSS generators, SVG generators and accessible front-end components. This time we look into templates and tools for building and designing HTML emails. Don’t miss the next one. Table Of Contents Below you’ll

Designing Better Error Messages UX — Smashing Magazine

Error messages need to be easy to spot, but they also need to be helpful. Let’s explore when error messages should live above input fields and why toast error messages are usually not a very good idea. When we design interfaces, we rarely think about error messages first. After all, how much is there to

Useful Customer Journey Maps (+ Figma & Miro Templates) — Smashing Magazine

Visualize the user experience with user journey maps. Here are some helpful templates, real-world applications, and insights on the importance of mapping both successful and unsuccessful touchpoints. Part of Smart Interface Design Patterns by yours truly. User journey maps are a remarkably effective way to visualize the user’s experience for the entire team. Instead of

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