Is This Really Still A Thing (And Why)? — Smashing Magazine

Though we have a good understanding of the types of button design rules that universally work, there will be times when you’re surprised by a rogue element that performs well. Like ghost buttons. They aren’t much of a mystery, despite their eerie-sounding name. They’re call-to-action (CTA) buttons for your website, like any other. The key

Designing For The Tactile Experience — Smashing Magazine

Have you noticed the alarming lack of touch stimuli in current technologies? Our thoughts and feelings are strongly connected to the gestures, postures, and actions we perform. I aim to push you — as a designer — to think outside of the zone of screens. In this article, Lucia Kolesárová will aim to consider using more touch

The Ethics Of Persuasion — Smashing Magazine

Nowadays, users are increasingly cautious of online and email scams, phishing attacks, and data breaches. In this article, Lyndon Cerejo will present a brief history of persuasion, look at how persuasion is used with technology and new media, and present food for thought for designers and developers to avoid crossing the ethical line to the

Bringing Personality Back To The Web — Smashing Magazine

We’re happy to announce the brand new Smashing Book. In this excerpt from the book, Vitaly provides a strategic guide for bringing back personality to the web, in regular real-life projects. You can also get the book right away → Generic web layouts have become somewhat of a misnomer in conversations circling around web design

5 Things To Stop Doing In Mobile App Design — Smashing Magazine

Have you ever looked at the design techniques and elements you use to build mobile apps and evaluated whether or not they’re still useful or relevant? If you haven’t done this in a while (or ever), stop what you’re doing and read this. Today, Suzanne Scacca is going to look at the 5 things mobile

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